Am2oniak >>> logline



Edek und Magda, eine flüchtigen Begegnung, eine Abtreibung, ein totalitäres klerikales Regierungssystem, vergiftete Gedanken, skurrile Atmosphäre, … Welcome to Prostolny Potok!

Edek and Magda, a fugitive meeting, an aborbtion, a totalitarianism-cerical regime, empoisoned minds, an odd atmosphere, … Welcome to Prostolny Potok!

Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2010

The original concept AM2ONIAK (or ammonia) was written 16 years ago in Berlin. Originally intendend as a super-8-short-film, I ran out of money right before planning the shoots, I even had to sell my camera. I decided to switch my storyboards into a small-comic-book, but my publisher went broke before printing.

Script, storyboards and the pages of my unpublished comic-book where hidden in shoebox, I squezzed some tears, moved around and forgot this episode of my bohemian past.

Than, a few years ago, shortly before finishing our short CELLULOSE, AM2ONIAK came back in to my mind.

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