Am2oniak >>> logline



Edek und Magda, eine flüchtigen Begegnung, eine Abtreibung, ein totalitäres klerikales Regierungssystem, vergiftete Gedanken, skurrile Atmosphäre, … Welcome to Prostolny Potok!

Edek and Magda, a fugitive meeting, an aborbtion, a totalitarianism-cerical regime, empoisoned minds, an odd atmosphere, … Welcome to Prostolny Potok!

Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010


We tried something different, we recorded all speach and dialogue before shooting. That may seem a bit odd, but it worked out well. Reason for this was: There are only working two professional actors on the set, so i can avoid bad speach-performances. 2009 I went to Dresden and visited two talented actors from "Theater der Jungen Generation" . Drummer Tobias Fuchs opened his studio for us and improvised a booth for voice recording. Ulrike Sperberg and Ulrich Wenzke (who also act as Magda and Edek in the movie) spoke all parts, we did all recording on one afternoon.

I started filming a few weeks later with Ralph Stegmaier, who plays the role of Edek's "friend" Roman. The prerecorded dialogues where looped, and Ralph mimicked to Ulrichs voice.

So, this is Ralph, preparing to be Roman.

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